Grilled Carp / Gurame Bakar ( Indonesian Food )

Grilled Carp / Gurame Bakar ( Indonesian Food )


2 tails (@ 400 g) carp, clean, sponge both sides
2 tsp lime juice
1 tsp salt
1 tbsp of tamarind water
5 tablespoons of sweet soy sauce
3 tbsp oil, to stir fry Spice fine
6 onion grains
3 cloves of garlic
4 pieces of curly red pepper
3 pieces of red chili
2 pieces of red pepper
2 cm ginger
2 tsp coriander granules
1 tsp salt
Sambal Soya ingredients
5 tbsp of Sweet Sauce Bango
1 tomato, seeded, diced
5 pieces of red pepper, thinly sliced
5 pieces of green cayenne pepper, thinly sliced
2 grains of onion, sliced
½ tsp lime juice

NB : 
tsp = tea spoon
tbsp = table spoon


Smear the carp with lemon juice and salt. Let stand for 15 minutes.

Heat the oil. Stir-fry the spices until fragrant.

Enter tamarind, stir. Lift. add sweet soy sauce, mix well.

Now smear the carp with the seasoning that has been in stir-fry.

Burn the fish over the embers as they sprinkle the remaining seasoning until cooked. Lift.

Serve with chili sauce.


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